Doc - I listened to this podcast and again very insightful. Thanks again for you thoughts on adult chess improvement. One more question before you head off in a little bit different direction with your writing endeavors. I hear all the time that analyze of one's own games is and important aspect of improvement, however I have seen very little on 'How' to analyze one's games, 'What' to look for, etc. Do you know if any good resource that I can refer to when learning the basics of my game analysis?

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The best one was Noel Studers advice of just looking for “big” mistakes and opening errors. But no, no good resource yet. Also there’s no evidence about how to get feedback.

However I did write a post about my game analysis in “Upon Further Review”

Check it out

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Great episode

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cant wait to see it.. Dr. Can is one of the most insightful chess coaches..

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