another excellent article Dr. Vasquez. If we listen carefully to Heidi, she keeps repeating "thought process error". In my humble opinion, this is at the top of my list ie: tunnel vision, checking for safe moves ... all the "seven deadly chess sins" as Rowson explains in his books". :)

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Man… thought process errors are my specialty!

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Excellent post. If I may add (noted by Dan Heisman at least a decade ago): part of the problem that adult improvers face is that what is being marketed to us is 90% in the first category: books, courses, and videos on openings, endgames, strategies, etc etc. As Dan also notes: for adult improvers, the most bang for the buck, the low-hanging fruit is -- exactly as you say -- getting rid of the mistakes.

(But harder to sell a book on that!)

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Great post!

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